Acupuncture for Infertility

Acupuncture for Infertility

Posted on March 1st, 2023

As acupuncturists, we see fertility patients at different stages of their journey. Some come with recurrent pregnancy loss, some come to maximize their chances while undergoing IVF or IUI, and some come after trying to conceive naturally without success. we use acupuncture, Chinese herbal formulas, and dietary therapies to bring their system into balance. Chinese medicine with its holistic, individualized, and whole-body health approach de-stresses and harmonizes the hormones and nervous system. Each patient is treated not according to a protocol or a preconceived set of points the way research patients are, but according to their individual imbalance.

We can significantly increase your chances of conception if your infertility is due to:



Irregular menstrual cycles

Luteal Phase Defect LPD

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease PID

Premature Ovarian Failure POF

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome PCOS

Stress, anxiety, or depression

Poor Egg Quality

Thin and Unresponsive Endometrium

Acupuncture is able to increase the chances of pregnancy through natural conception, IVF, IUI, and other ARTs because it has been clinically shown to:

Regulate and stabilize hormone levels

Help produce more follicles

Increase blood flow to the uterus and ovaries by lowering impedance 

Thicken the endometrial lining

Reduce the chance of miscarriage

Strengthen the immune system and the overall health of the body

Reduce stress

Absorb nutrients and maintain ideal weight

Destress, relaxation

Improve the quality of sleep

Have NO side effects - does not introduce toxicity to you and your baby

We have seen significantly improvements in men with these conditions:

Stress and fatigue

Anxiety and depression, irritability

Low libido / poor erectile function

Improve quality of sperm

Source here .

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