Chinese Medicine for Sexual Health Disorders

Chinese Medicine for Sexual Health Disorders

Posted on March 1st, 2023

Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has long been used to treat disorders and diseases, including those relating to sexual health disorders like premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, and low libido. Although these topics are often thought of as taboo, with many people affected, it’s an important topic to discuss. Read on to learn more about how acupuncture and Chinese herbs can help support sexual health.

Premature Ejaculation

Premature ejaculation is defined as the “persistent or recurrent ejaculation with minimal sexual stimulation that (1) occurs before, upon or shortly after penetration and before the person wishes; (2) is associated with marked distress or interpersonal difficulty; and (3) is not a direct effect of substance abuse…”

Estimates of men experiencing premature ejaculation range from 27-60%. Some causes of premature ejaculation includes anxiety, stress, depression, hormone imbalances, inflammation, abnormal thyroid function, genetic factors, erectile dysfunction, certain medications, and guilt.

Clinical research has found that acupuncture can prolong ejaculation time to some extent. Studies have also noted significant improvements from Chinese herbs. 

Erectile Dysfunction

Although it is not talked about often, erectile dysfunction, or impotence, is a common problem for many men, especially as they age.

It is estimated that 50% of men between the ages of 40 and 70 experience Erectile Dysfunction (ED) at some point. 

ED is characterized by consistent trouble sustaining or developing an erection for successful sexual intercourse. Although ED is stressful, and can have a negative impact on self-confidence and relationships, there is good news: it is treatable!

In most cases, stress is the culprit for ED for men in their 30s and 40s. As men age into their 50s, impotence is more likely to be due to blood stagnation and kidney deficiencies.

In either case, from a Traditional Chinese Medicine perspective, the healing approach is holistic. Therapies focus on restoring balance to the kidney, liver, and heart, managing stress, and cultivating a smooth flow of qi. 

Research has found that “Acupuncture combined with herbal medicine has a synergistic therapeutic effect on erectile dysfunction.” One study found that after a combined treatment approach of acupuncture and herbal supplementation, almost half of the participants reported significant improvements in their ED.

Reduced Libido

Another historically taboo topic, low libido effects millions of people. Low libido affects both men and women, and isn’t necessarily due to aging. Stress, depression, childbirth, weight gain, hormone imbalance, and insomnia can all impact libido. Thankfully, Traditional Chinese Medicine has a long history of supporting healthy sex drive and other sexual issues. 

In TCM, low libido is the result of an imbalance of qi related to three of the body’s most important organs: the heart, the lungs, and the kidneys. Acupuncture and Chinese herbs work to restore balance and flow, naturally increasing a person’s vitality. Acupuncture and TCM also has great success in managing stress and supporting balanced hormones, restful sleep, and uplifted mood, which can all impact libido.

Pink Heart Acupuncture in Orlando, Florida

At Pink Heart Acupuncture in Orlando, Florida, our treatment of erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, and/or reduced libido may include a combination of acupuncture, nutritional therapy, injection therapy, and Chinese herbs. 

Book your Orlando Acupuncture appointment now!

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